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Welcome to my site, where those interested in harmony, inner beauty, nature, traditional values, balance and meditation are in the best place. I am fighting for a better future with the tools of art. I invest my work, talent and time to make your day more fascinating.

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You can buy directly from me or through the official gallery of the world’s largest marketing company:    Eva Csontos | Saatchi Art

“Got drunk ….. by a moonlight.”  

“Got drunk ….. by a moonlight.”  


Minden jog fenntartva.©


Mainly selftaught. I studied from a contemporary artist, called Ágnes Máger.

Collective exhibitions



Gömörszöllős (several times), Hejce (2009), Miskolci Téli Tárlat (twice), Keszthely (2011), Tiszaújváros (2012), Kisvárda (2012), Királyhelmec (2012), Fáy (2012), Alsózsolca (2013), Mezőkövesd (2013), Felsőzsolca (2014), Tiszaújváros (2015), Budapest (2015), Miskolc (2016), Mezőkövesd (2017), Sárospatak (2019), Szikszó (2019), Felsőzsolca (2020), Sajókaza, Radvánszky palace (2020)

Solo exhibitions

Encs (2011), Kozárd, Mátrai Art Festival, (2012) Miskolc(2015)

Artists' residencies



Gömörszöllős (several times), Hejce (2009) Zala-Pannon Artists’ camp 2011), Tiszaújváros (2012), Királyhelmec (2012), Bélmegyer (2013), Kötegyán (2013), Ajak (2014)


Group Award called ‘Nívó’, as a member of the Artists’ Group called Diósgyőri Képzőművész Stúdió ’76, 2021. Miskolc

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